Capacity building in Smart and Innovative eNERGY management

Grid Forming Converters: Standards and Experimental results, December 2023

On 14th of December 2023, in the Technology Transfer Office of the Institute Mihajlo Pupin (IMP), the AIT Team (Mr. Zoran Miletić, Mr. Roland Bründlinger and Mrs. Anja Banjac) conducted a training for the IMP staff. Guest at the event were researchers from the Institute Nikola Tesla, School of Electrical Engineering of the University of Belgrade and Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad. 

The lectures related to the Integration of DER in Smart Grids  were divided as follows:

Methods and Future Scenarios for Strategic Grid Development of Full Low and Medium Voltage DSO Supply Areas, Decembar 2023

The lecture entitled Methods and Future Scenarios for Strategic Grid Development of Full Low and Medium Voltage DSO Supply Areas by Barbara Herndler was deliverered on 11th of December 2023.

Staff exchange (IMP), Pilot 2 (NUIG), November 2023

During the summer visit of NUIG researchers in Belgrade, a tentative plan was made for IMP young researchers to visit NUIG during the early or late fall of 2023 before the project comes to an end thus making the most use of the opportunity provided by the SINERGY project. With this unique opportunity in mind, the visit was scheduled for the final week of November 2023 as a 5-day-long stay in Galway, Ireland, as presented in the Figure below. 

Telecommunications Forum TELFOR, November 2023

Telecommunications Forum TELFOR is organized as an INTERNATIONAL annual meeting of professionals working in the broad fields of Telecommunications and Information Technologies. The participants are mostly telecommunications engineers, but also economists, jurists, managers, governmental officials, students, researchers, operators, service providers and others.

AIT Training on Emerging Technologies for Power Electronics Systems in Smart Grids, Nov 2023

This lecture prepared by Dr. Markus.Makoschitz addresses

  • the role of wide bandgap semiconductors for power electronics;
  • basic principles of wide bandgap semiconductors but also IGBTs and MOSFETs;
  • drivers and challenges regarding power electronics and integration; as well as
  • a more global perspective pf the potential of this technology.


International Semantic Intelligence Conference, October 2023

International Semantic Intelligence Conference (ISIC 2023) is an annual international platform for Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and the Semantic Web communities. It presents a forum to publish cutting-edge research results in intelligent applications.Semantic Intelligence refers to filling the semantic gap between the understanding of humans and machines by making a machine look at everything in terms of object-oriented concepts as a human look at it.

International SINERGY Conference on Smart and Innovative eNERGY management, September 2023

International SINERGY Conference on Smart and Innovative eNERGY management, 26-28 September 2023

The European electricity system undergoes significant changes driven by the EU common rules for the internal market for electricity, as well as by the climate action agenda.  With solar and wind power on the rise, grid operators need new equipment to make the whole power system operate flexibly.

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