Capacity building in Smart and Innovative eNERGY management

International Symposium on Applied Computing for Software and Smart systems (ACSS-2023)

The 10th International Symposium on Applied Computing for Software and Smart systems (ACSS-2023) is to be held during September 15-16, 2023 in Kolkata, India. ACSS 2023 is aimed at offering a qualified opportunity for presentation and discussion of the innovative works by undergraduate, graduate students and as well as PhD scholars. While the emphasis of the workshop is on Software and Smart Systems, we solicit research outcomes on other relevant areas pertaining to advancement of computing.


International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing (North Macedonia), June 2023

The 30th International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing, IWSSIP 2023 will be held in the ancient city of Ohrid, North Macedonia, a UNESCO world heritage site, known also as the Jerusalem of the Balkans due to numerous churches and monasteries, a city situated on the coast of the beautiful Ohrid Lake, 27 – 29 June, 2023 and hosted by the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies at the Ss Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje.

SINERGY at IWSSIP, June 2023

IWSSIP brings together researchers and developers from both academia and industry to report on the latest scientific and theoretical advances, to discuss and debate major issues and to demonstrate state-of-the-art systems. Following the successful events previously held in Budapest, Manchester, Poznan, Zagreb, Bratislava, Maribor, Bucharest, Prague, Chalkida, Rio de Janeiro, Sarajevo, Vienna, Dubrovnik, London, Osijek, Niteroi and Sofia, IWSSIP was organized in in the ancient city of Ohrid, North Macedonia, from 27th to 29th June, 2023. 

SINERGY Presentation at the PowerTech Conference in Belgrade, June 2023

PowerTech is the anchor conference of the IEEE Power and Energy Society (PES) in Europe. It provides a forum for researchers and engineering professionals active in numerous segments of the electrical power engineering industry and academia to network, exchange ideas and share the results of their scientific work.

Sustainable Places (SP2023, 14-16 June 2023), Madrid, Spain

Sustainability targets and climate change objectives cannot be met without addressing buildings and the built environment at the building, district and urban scale to include our transport and energy infrastructures. Renowned for showcasing results coming out of the EU Horizon 2020 and EU Horizon Europe Framework Programme via the participation of cutting-edge research and innovation projects, the scope of the Sustainable Places Conference is captured directly in its name.

36 CIGRE Conference, May 2023

CIGRE Serbia is a professional social association that has been engaged in the development of technical knowledge and exchange of information and experience in the field of electricity production, transmission and distribution as well as the production of electrical equipment on the domestic and international level for over 58 years.

65th Fair of technics and technical achievements, May 2023

The International Fair of Technics and Technical Achievements is the oldest technical and technological exhibition event in this part of Europe and is specialized in the field of production technologies.Organized for the first time in 1937, this event is a witness of history and the flywheel of development. It has been a member of the International Union of Exhibitions and Fairs (UFI, Paris) since 1957.

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