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The International Semantic Intelligence Conference (ISIC) is an international platform for the Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and the Semantic Web communities. It presents a forum to publish cutting edge research results in intelligent applications.

ISIC aims to bring together researchers, practitioners and industry specialists to discuss, advance, and shape the future of intelligent systems by virtue of machine learning and semantic technologies.

Call for Full Length paper


Semantic Web Engineering  |  Ontology-based Data Access  |  Multimodal and Multilingual Access  |  Machine to Machine Communications and Interoperability  |  Knowledge Extraction and Ontology Learning from the Web  |  Multimodal and Multilingual Approach to Computing  |  Computational Paradigms and Computational Intelligence  |  Intelligent Computing and Applications, Case Studies and Tools  |  Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning  |  Contributions of Semantic Web Technologies (SWT) to the Society  |  Cyber-Physical Systems  |  Knowledge representation and Engineering  |  Security Issues in Semantic Web  |  Applications, Opportunities, Challenges  |  Reasoning and Intelligent Processing (Semantic Search Paradigms, Semantic Web Mining, Semantic Sentiment Analysis, Semantic Web Services, Visualization, Query Answering, Semantic Information Access)  |  Mapping Knowledge bases  |  Leveraging Artificial Intelligence in Global Epidemics  |  Human-Computer Interaction  |  Data Analytics  |  Social Networks  |  Distributed and Mobile Systems  |  Computational Linguistics  |  Large Scale and Complex Information Management  |  Any other related topic...


The submissions are divided into three tracks, namely the Research Track, the Trends and Perspectives Track, and the Applications and Deployment Track. The contributors are advised to choose the track that best suits their work.

1. The Research Track

The Research Track incorporates papers that present novel work contributing significantly to the advancement of Semantic Intelligence. The submissions should list the research gaps and research contributions filling the said gaps. A section comparing the results of the research with existing benchmarks is highly desirable.

The Trends and Perspectives Track explores the state of the art in the mentioned disciplines.

3. The Applications and Deployment Track

The Applications and Deployment Track accepts papers showcasing the latest advancements and applications of semantic intelligence. Once any technology or methodology originates from the research community, its challenges and benefits are explored by its concrete usage in a practical setting. The application of any research in real-world use cases sets the stage for its visibility. The Applications and Deployment Track is exactly for this purpose. This track seeks submission for applied semantic intelligence. The submissions should list the benefits; the presented application reaps from SITs. In addition to the real-world, the Applications and Deployment Track also welcomes Resources such as the vocabularies, datasets, evaluation benchmarks, and the software.

Submission Guidelines

The submissions are divided into three tracks, namely the Research Track, the Trends and Perspectives Track, and the Use Cases Track. Every paper will be assessed by the track chair and reviewed by at least three program committee members. The contributors are advised to choose the track that best suits their work. The contributions should be related to any one of the three disciplines namely Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, or Semantics for Data and the Web; or their intersection.

Start Date
Event category
End Date

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