Capacity building in Smart and Innovative eNERGY management

Project Work Plan

This deliverable is a tool to assist the SINERGY Project Management Board to arrange, manage the implementation of, report on, and evaluate the project results.

It sets out the governance structure (e.g. responsibilities of partners, lead roles, etc.), the communication mechanisms and tools (e.g. mailing lists, Web site, visual identity, etc.)  and describes the consortium's project activities and outcomes. SINERGY is carried out by IMP as project Coordinator with the assistance of its strategic partners, AIT and NUIG, in addition to distinguished members of the project’s Steering Committee.

The Workplan is based on the Grant Agreement Annex 1, Part A (Section 1.3 Workplan Tables) and Part B (Section 3: Implementation). The monitoring component of the SINERGY Project Workplan (monitoring matrix, target indicators) will be further discussed in Deliverable 1.3 Quality Control Plan and Contingency Measures, due to Month 3.


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