Capacity building in Smart and Innovative eNERGY management

It is our great pleasure to announce the SINERGY Open event on "Smart and Innovative eNERGY management", collocated with the TELFOR'22 Conference, Crowne Plaza, on 16th of November, from 9am to 1pm. 

We are all witnesses of increased energy consumption and power grid operation vulnerability as contemporary problems worldwide. The large intermittent power flows from renewables put a strain on the power grid, thus making it more challenging to ensure that electricity supply matches demand. For solving such problems, we are in a need for effective energy service concepts, capable of enabling the energy efficiency and flexibility resources at the demand side, which is still largely untapped. For improved viability of the service offer, it is necessary to enable the cross-sectoral business models that deliver benefits along the energy value chain. The centralised approach traditionally followed in energy systems becomes impractical in this regard, due to lack of scalability, privacy and capability of dealing with the multi-actor aspect of the problem. This calls for new energy services and business concepts to ensure effective integration of this locked efficiency and flexibility at demand-side into the power system.


Session 1: Smart and Innovative eNERGY management
09.00 Getting together  
09.15 Capacity building in Smart and Innovative eNERGY management (Opening) Nikola Tomašević, IMP
09.30 Smart Grid Technologies Johannes Stöckl, AIT
10.00 Energy Efficient Building Operations Marcus Martin Keane, NUIG
10.30 Demand side management aspects in Smart Grids (Invited Talk) Aleksandra Krkoleva Mateska
Session 2: EU Project Networking Session
11.15 DE-RISK the adoption of Local Flexibility Markets to unlock the safe and reliable mass deployment of Renewable Energy Systems DE-RISK
11.30 Next-Generation Integrated Energy Services fOr Citizen Energy CommuNities NEON
11.45 GENerating energy secure COMMunities GENCOMM
12.00 Holistic dEmand response Services for European residenTIAl communities HESTIA
12.15 Digital PLAtform and analytical TOOls for eNergy PLATOON
12.30 Orchestrating an interoperable sovereign federated Multi-vector Energy Data Space built on open standards and ready for GAia-X OMEGA-X
12.45 Closing  

Besides SINERGY, the event has been supported by other currently running EU projects.


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